Anatoly Preygel


I am an researcher, technologist, and entrepreneur. I am excited by new, interesting, and useful things.

I am currently co-founder and CTO at Pyxidr, where we are working to create and launch new data-driven businesses. We work with forward-looking organizations as "intrapreneurs," as well as developing and investing in innovative small businesses.

Prior to this, I was a management consultant at McKinsey & Company; received a PhD at MIT working with the Breakthrough Prize and MacArthur-winning Jacob Lurie; taught as UC Berkeley as an NSF postdoctoral fellow; and, co-developed and taught a data science course for PhDs.

Contact Me:
email: anatoly.preygel at

Academic Research
As a graduate student and postdoc, I studied applications of homotopy theory to algebraic geometry and mathematical physics. See here.

Code Snippets
Come relax by the fire. (A simple gradually-decaying fire animation.)

'Data Science' Snippets
To be added soon.

Last Updated: Oct. 2, 2016